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RentALeaper is an event management software designed for small to medium size businesses engaged in renting photo and video equipments for conferences, wedding, parties and events.
The key objective of RentALeaper is to provide a platform to enhance the efficiency of event coordinators and promote business growth.
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記事を閉じる walbjah 投稿者 : walbjah  2022年05月21日 00:12:30 No.66871 URL
You can also save your results in a file, so when you do math operations at work, you can transfer the result to the user named spreadsheet package when you open a spreadsheet.

Version 14.1.11

Changed the font of the user manual and added information about how to enter decimal places.

Version 14.1.9

Fixed some bugs.

Version 14.1.8

Began supporting importing Spreadsheets from Excel https://riejuchildjour.weebly.com

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記事を閉じる vasphi 投稿者 : vasphi  2022年05月21日 00:12:23 No.66870 URL
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