

2022年05月21日 00:42:26 No.66929


投稿者 : oddengl [URL]

シムズ4Cc僕のヒーローアカデミア,無料ダウンロードModulTik Sd,ACDSee Pro V7.1ビルド164(32-64ビット)(KeyMaker-COREを含む)[TorDigg64ビット
Basic4GL is a great interface for writing programs that target the World of Warcraft utilizing OpenGL API's present in World of Warcraft and expands upon this with its add-ons.

After the release of the BASIC4 Library, the team decided to make a BASIC language called Basic4GL because it wasn't enough to just provide the basic functionality of BASIC scripting, but to also give it support for developing on such a wide variety of target platforms including OSX, Microsoft Windows, https://desklinruptvi.weebly.com

6add127376 oddengl

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